Hansabuss offers high-quality and comprehensive transportation solutions from staff and school transport and business travels for customers and colleagues to providing services to the highest foreign guests of the State.
We have nearly 200 coaches and coach drivers. For decades, our service philosophy has been carried by the belief that in case of a trip, even the smallest issues must be considered and good quality is elementary for us. We consider coach driving to be more of a lifestyle than just a job and have based our choice and training of coach drivers on that.
Hansabuss belongs to ETFL (Estonian Travel & Tourism Association) and is the representative of GPN (Global Passenger Network) in Estonia. This is the best guarantee that your transportation request will be met in the best way possible in Estonia, Baltic States and elsewhere in Europe.
GPN (Global Passenger Network)
Hansabuss belongs to the Global Passenger Network. By using transportation service offered by us anywhere abroad, you can be sure that you receive the high-quality service and best quality vehicles you are already used to.
GPN (Global Passenger Network) connects 29 coach companies and organizations that are considered the quality leaders of their countries moving a total of approximately 17 000 coaches a year. The main benefit of GPN connection is providing high-quality international coach hire to its members abroad and offering fast help and substitution transportation when necessary so travelling of customers will run smoothly.
Global Passenger Network sets high standards to all its members. This way you can travel with certainty that your transport abroad is taken care of by professionals.
On the meeting in Krakow in November 2014, coach companies of 27 countries were represented including Hansabuss as the representative of Estonia. The meeting took a decision to create a system where a country customer can order and settle his/her transportation request abroad through a local GPN member company. As of 2015, our good customers will be able to order and settle transportation according to their own needs abroad from Hansabuss.
ETFL (Estonian Travel & Tourism Association)
Hansabuss belongs to the Estonian Travel & Tourism Association (ETFL), a voluntary association of tourism industry’s employers operating in the interests and according to the will of its members. The full members of ETFL are travel agencies and tour operators, the associated members are transport companies, tourism organizations, educational institutions, hotels, insurance companies, companies providing supportive services for tourism industry and foreign tourism organizations. At present, ETFL has 68 members of which 47 are full and 21 associated members.
The goals of ETFL are:
- Tourism development
- Being a trademark of reliability
- Representing members’ interests in development and realization of tourism politics
- Supporting tourism-related activities of the members
- Facilitating creation of business contacts
AL (Union of Estonian Automobile Enterprises)
Hansabuss belongs to AL (Union of Estonian Automobile Enterprises) connecting different entrepreneurs of transportation industry. The association mainly includes companies operating in passenger, cargo and taxi transportation companies. The AL additionally includes also other business organizations directly related to the transportation industry, incl. companies organizing trainings for car and coach drivers.
AL cooperates with different agencies to create better opportunities for those offering high-quality transportation service based on fair competition and create a positive image of the sector.
If you need coach transportation at home or transportation abroad, please call us +372 627 9080 or write us booking@hansabuss.ee and we will find the best solution to meet your needs.